Category design

unleash the beast gif
Forge your own path, lead the market revolution. Don't just adapt, invent. Ignite change and set the new standard.

Can't find a category that fits your unique solution? By creating a new category, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and establish yourself as a leader.

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Pioneer new markets
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Build a lasting legacy
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Foster innovation
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Gain a first-mover advantage
Category design image
The steps
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
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IDiscover untapped opportunities
Envision a new category & offering
Create a compelling point of view
Communicate POV & promote the category
Step 1
Identify target & analyze competition
Step 2
Define unique value proposition
Step 3
Craft challenger strategy
Step 4
Create compelling messaging


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When do I know category design is the best solution?

Category design is the best solution when there's an untapped opportunity or unmet need in the market, and you have the resources, vision, and innovative offerings to create and dominate a new market category.

How do I get traction when I position something new no one is aware of?

To gain traction for a new category, focus on effective communication, targeted marketing campaigns, strategic partnerships, and early adopter engagement. Educate your target audience about the benefits of your new offering and demonstrate how it addresses unmet needs or solves existing problems.

Do I need to be a startup to create a new category?

No, both startups and established companies can create new categories. The essential elements are recognizing an untapped opportunity, having a clear vision, and developing innovative products or services that address the unmet needs of your target market.

How is category design different from challenger branding?

Category design involves creating and dominating a new market category, whereas challenger branding focuses on disrupting an existing market by taking on established leaders. 

Category design is more focused on innovation and introducing new products or services, while challenger branding often involves finding unique ways to compete within an existing market.

What are some common mistakes challenger brands should avoid?

Common mistakes challenger brands should avoid include underestimating the competition, not investing enough in marketing and promotion, failing to differentiate their offerings, and neglecting to listen and adapt to customer feedback.

Are you a startup or an established brand ready to challenge the game?

I’m a startup

Are you a startup looking to make some serious waves and take your brand to the next level?

Look no further than our top-notch branding service, specifically designed to help challenger brands stand out from the competition and make a bold statement.

I’m an established brand

Is your current brand holding you back from shaking things up in your industry?

We boil your brand down to its essence to identify what makes it truly unique, and craft a new compelling story and positioning.

Our Work



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Listen, be a game-changer, not a faceless follower. Be bold, be different and make a lasting impact.
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Become a challenger

become chalenger
Let’s go!
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