Sony Music

Artist branding framework.

Sony Music Belgium, a powerhouse in the music industry, sought to empower emerging artists with the tools and strategies necessary to elevate their personal brands. Boil was enlisted to devise a strategic framework tailored to the unique needs of these young challenger artists.


In-depth interviews

Branding workshops

The Golden Circle

Brand archetypes

Core brand

Brand narrative

Visual exploration

The Challenge

The task at hand was clear: how could Boil bring emerging talents, brimming with potential, to the forefront of the music scene? The objective was to craft compelling narratives around these artists, setting them apart in an industry saturated with talent.

The Solution

In collaboration with Sony Music Belgium, Boil embarked on a journey to unlock the essence of each artist's persona. Leveraging methodologies typically reserved for corporate branding, Boil orchestrated in-depth interviews and immersive workshops with two rising stars: Oski and Laura Tesoro. Through these sessions, Boil delved deep into the artists' purpose, uncovering their intrinsic motivations and aspirations.With a clear understanding of the artists' "why," Boil translated these insights into powerful narratives that can help distinguish the artists from their peers.

We also adapted the well-known brand archetypes model to the world of famous artists so we could  give direction on bringing the brand narrative into action.

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The Outcome

The result of Boil's collaboration with Sony Music Belgium was  a strategic branding framework built on the needs of the music industry.



Challenging Plastic Surgery



Challenging Shallow Connections
